- Read Time: 1 min
Ms. Badgie Trinidad, Chief Executive Officer of The Cravings Group which is composed of the Cravings Restaurants, the Center for Culinary Arts (CCA) and the Asian School for Hospitality Arts (ASHA) has engaged the consulting services of VIC ALCUAZ for their ‘2012 Strategic Planning Sessions’ and the re-writing of their Vision, Mission & Value Statements. Leading the participants in all the sessions were The Cravings Group Founder & Chair Ms. Annie Guerrero, CEO Badgie Trinadad and Chief Operating Officer Rico Trinidad. The group’s department heads and key officials participated in this 2-day overnight sessions conducted at Sonia’s Garden in Tagaytay City last November 2011. Assisting VIC ALCUAZ in all the sessions was former HR Manager of The Cravings Group Anabelle Ochoa.
- For more information on The Cravings Group: www.cravingsgroup.com
- For more information on the Center for Culinary Arts (CCA): www.cca-manila.com
- For more information on the Asian School for Hospitality Arts (ASAHA): www.asha.edu.ph